Kolář Petr


00044Cognitive production based on Intelligent Quality, Energy and Maintenance Management

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Kolář Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020
Příjemce : The Czech Institute of Informatics Robotics and Cybernetic (CIIRC CTU)
Anotace : European industry has recognized the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools within the context of CPES (Cyber Physical embedded Systems) since they are the keys to provide excellent services, enriched customer knowledge and also exploit new business opportunities. Cognitive production aids to achieve objectives associated with these issues concurrently providing high quality, high energy efficiency, high system availability, performance and cost effectiveness. Cognitive production is enabled by AI techniques that extract value from information related to the on-line status of assets and deploy a decision-based self-learning platform able to react dynamically. COGNINTEL application experiment aims to deploy AI-based decision making and control platform tailored to the machine tools industry to optimize their operations by enabling an holistic and intelligent Quality, Energy and Maintenance Management (QEM) approach. It provides users and plant managers with the right tools to implement cognitive production by ensuring high production efficiency, high quality, minimising the use of resources while optimising maintenance strategies, avoiding safety related failures and minimizing process downtime. This application experiment relies on strong commitment of partners to provide innovative solutions and services to recover COVID-19 crisis within manufacturing sector. The two industrial partners are complementary to each other: SCORTA, through COGNINTEL tool, expects to deliver better products (thread cutting tools and specialised taps) and also better after-sale services, while ERREDUE (the engineering services provider) will deliver AI models for advanced diagnostics and prognostics for machine tool industry. Finally, an effective connection with relevant stakeholders as well as with DIH4CPS members is ensured by the DIH CIIRC CTU through proper communication and networking activities aimed at facilitating access to new technologies and services. CIIRC CTU will also support partners in demonstration trials to prove replicability of results towards other field of applications.
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21215Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Vavruška Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020 EIT Manufacturing
Příjemce : University of Patras Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Anotace : M-NEST-II aims to deliver innovative courses enabling the financial exploitation of educational assets (e.g., nuggets, T&LFs, etc.) resultant from two previous activities: M-NEST-I and M-NEST-RIS. M-NEST-II has three main goals: 1) to start implementing educational programs based on EIT-M educational assets targeting the up-/re-skill of CEO/executives and professionals engineers on emergent technologies of added-value manufacturing (AVM); 2) to increase the number of industrial organizations / participants involved in EIT-M activities; 3) to build a robust and flexible business model for the M-NEST distributed factory, aiming the long-term financial return (beyond 2021) of EIT-M-supported educational assets, as well as a self-sustainable strategic agenda for the M-NEST network, covering upcoming industrial needs and other EIT-M flagships. This activity will directly contribute to the financial sustainability of the EIT-M.
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21166Learning through manufacturing challenges II

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Vavruška Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020 EIT Manufacturing
Příjemce : University of Patras Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Anotace : ManuLearn II aims at increasing the innovation potential of the participating EIT RIS countries by enhancing the educational framework and boosting digitalization under the concept of Industry 4.0. ManuLearn II is considered an extension of ManuLearn, targeting at increasing the impact across industry and academia through the promotion of gender balance and the enhancement of soft skills. Jointly created exchange of experience to industrial manufacturing challenges will be implemented by combining Teaching Factory and Learning Factory concepts with other learning practices. The exchange of industrial challenges and the good practice exchange of experience will be performed through a collaborative network across the industrial and academic sectors. Special focus will be given on Teaching Factory events with skilled women from companies to help motivate young people to avoid gender stereotypes.
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FW02020033Vřetenové jednotky s monitorováním stavu

Poskytovatel : Technologická agentura České republiky
Manažer : Stach Eduard
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : TREND
Příjemce : VOPSS Řepeč
Anotace : Hlavním cílem projektu je vývoj inteligentních vřetenových jednotek pro frézovací stroje. Pojmem „inteligentní“ je zamýšlena schopnost vřetenových jednotek samostatně kontrolovat svůj provozní stav a i stav realizovaného řezného procesu. Tzn. vřetenové jednotky budou vybaveny diagnostickou jednotkou, která bude monitorovat a vyhodnocovat stav vřetenové jednotky.
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N/AExperimentální analýza přesnosti obráběcího centra BRAL

Poskytovatel : Hlavní město Praha
Manažer : Koubek Jan
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : OP PPR Pražský inovační voucher
Příjemce : Plane Verti
Anotace : Předmětem řešení je kontrola přesnosti obráběcího centra BRAL, konkrétně měření přímsti osy X na čele vřetena a na virtuálním obrobku ve seměru Z, návrh kompenzační strategie, praktické ověrení kompenzační strategie.
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20078LIFT European Network of Learning Factories

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Vavruška Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020 EIT Manufacturing
Příjemce : Polytechnic University of Milan
Anotace : LIFT Europe proposes to build a broad learning factories network ecosystem where research and technology transfer between academia and industry is fostered. LIFT aims at building up the skills of the future and ad-hoc training curricula to ensure competitiveness of European manufacturing SMEs. In addition, LIFT Europe will create a European community to develop, test and disseminate innovative educational methods and tools for the training that will allow sustainable work between people and robots. Moreover, with the support of the EIT, LIFT will design, develop and deliver digital nuggets to be released in the EIT Manufacturing’s Guided Learning Platform.
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20136Learning through manufacturing challenges

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Mareš Martin
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020 EIT Manufacturing
Příjemce : University of Patras Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation
Anotace : ManuLearn aims to enhance the innovation capacity or the participating EIT RIS countries by improving their educational framework and by boosting their digital capabilities in order to face the future manufacturing challenges. In this framework, the activity aims to deliver a program where students, researchers and companies will work together to mutually develop skills through co-creating solutions to industrial manufacturing challenges; combining Teaching Factory (TF) and Learning Factory (LF) concepts with Open Innovation practices, addressing the demands of both students and professionals. This will be achieved through a collaborative network, facilitating the exchange of industrial challenges and providing novel solutions, bringing together academia and industry. Each challenge along with the knowledge generated will be shared with the complete network, creating value across all participating EIT RIS countries.
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20039Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies – Regional Innovation Scheme

Poskytovatel : Evropská unie
Manažer : Vavruška Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Horizon 2020 EIT Manufacturing
Příjemce : Inegi
Anotace : M-NEST-RIS will support the development and implementation of a new paradigm in the learning of added-value manufacturing (AVM) in Europe, based on the creation of a distributed Teaching and Learning Factory prepared to address the challenges raised by the exponential introduction of new AVM technologies (in the context of Industry 4.0) concerning people qualification. The aim of this project is to nurture and empower people to work in and to foster AVM in EIT RIS countries with moderate or modest innovation capacity, such as Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece and Portugal. Considering the RIS3 priorities of these regions, but also its important turnover and employment capacity all over Europe, the automotive sector is at focus. Relevant AVM technologies, processes, machines and SW gathered within the partners’ testbeds will be used to build innovative learning activities and demonstrate the feasibility and the added value of the network to address the RIS/ sector/ qualification needs identified.
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TN01000024Národní centrum kompetence – Kybernetika a umělá inteligence

Poskytovatel : Technologická agentura České republiky
Manažer : Kolář Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : Národní centra kompetence
Příjemce : ČVUT v Praze CIIRC
Anotace : Projekt NCK KUI cílí na vznik nové platformy pro kybernetiku a umělou inteligenci, které synergicky propojuje excelentní výzkumná a aplikačně orientovaná centra v oblasti robotiky a kybernetiky pro Průmysl 4.0, “Smart cities”, inteligentních dopravních systémů a kybernetické bezpečnosti. Propojením stávajících inovačních lídrů (výzk. center a prům. partnerů) dojde ke zvýšení potenciálu a efektivity aplikovaného výzkumu pro klíčová národní odvětví, jako jsou vyspělé technologie pro globálně konkurenceschopný průmysl (Průmysl 4.0), rozvoj komunikačních a informačních technologií či transportní systémy 21. století. NCK KUI je úzce spjato s aplikačním sektorem a umožní tak vzájemnou mezioborovou spolupráci, vznik inovací a transfer technologií.
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CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008432Klastr 4.0 – Metodologie systémové integrace

Poskytovatel : Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Manažer : Kolář Petr
Řešitel : Kolář Petr
Výzva : OP VVV
Příjemce : ČVUT v Praze Fakulta elektrotechnická
Anotace : Projekt rozvíjí mezinárodní mezisektorovou spolupráci mezi inovativními podniky, akad. pracovišti a globálními prům. hráči. Konsorcium tvoří výzkumné instituce, CIIRC ČVUT a DFKI (SRN), a české firmy SIDAT a CertiCon, s podporou nadnárodních korporací Airbus, Škoda Auto a Siemens, s napojením na Národní centrum Průmyslu 4.0. Výzkumným tématem je jedno z nejnáročnějších v Průmyslu 4.0, a to systémová integrace a vytvoření jednotné flexibilní softwarové architektury pro adaptabilní výrobní systémy.
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