Network of Technology Transfer Nodes for Enhanced Open Innovation in the Central European Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Industry

Kód projektu
Evropská unie
Řešení od
Smolík Jan
Smolík Jan
INTERREG Central Europe
Centre of Research and Technological Innovation, s. r. l.

EU most important automation & mechatronic industries are in CE regions: business dimension is intercontinental but the services to kick innovation are still local & this slows quick canalization of R&D results from EU & CE labs into the industrial system. This makes tech-transfer & brokerage commissioned by companies long, expensive, often duplicate efforts & do not respond to the time-to-market requirements. The challenge is increasing & federating these services to accelerate the transposition of KET from EU-funded research & CE labs in new end-users components & apps for CE advanced manufacturing industries.
NUCLEI main objective is to change the obsolete innovation management model from a “local-based” technology scouting approach to a transnational pool of knowledge supporting advanced manufacturing innovation beyond regional borders. This increases economic interdependences among seven S3-manufacturing Regions & encourages more effective transnational value chains in automotive, electrical industry, IT sector, robotic & mechanic automation. Such joint knowledge sourcing approach helps 7 NUCLEi industrial clusters & its end-beneficiaries (Corporations, SMEs, R&D performers) to foster process of emergence of new consortia/business deals for execution of bold technological, product, market projects.
The creation of 1 broad&collaborative environment, initially tested by 100 testimonial companies from 7 CE Regions, is expected to increase linkages with innovators outside own regions by 40-50%, accelerate the time-to-market of R&D concepts (from EU-funded research &CE laboratories to companies) by 15-20%, increase R&D expenditure & patent applications by 2-3% of mid-term turnover. Drivers to run innovation are 1 joint cloud based on FoF-IMPACT&COFACTOR H2020 projects, 3 pilots (tech-brokerage; knowledge transformation; mechatronic standardization) & 1 Business Innovation Strategy to expand NUCLEi i-services within each regional S3 as driving force

Hlavní příjemce Centre of Research and Technological Innovation s.r.l.
Další příjemci ITQ GmbH
Business Upper Austria – Upper Austrian Business Agency Ltd.
Wroclaw University of Technology
t2i – Technology Transfer and Innovation s.c.a r.l.
Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
ASTER Stock Joint Consortium
Czech Technical University in Prague
Cluster Mechatronics & Automation Management gGmbH
Cluster AT+R
Zkratky NUCLEi
Řešení od: 01. 07. 2016
Řešení do: 31. 10. 2018
Poskytovatel Evropská unie
Výzva INTERREG Central Europe
Vedoucí Ing. Jan Smolík, Ph.D.
Řešitel Ing. Jan Smolík, Ph.D.